SND Player v1.x is a specialized musicplayer for the 16/32bit Atari computers. SND Player can, as the name suggests, play ".snd" files. These are songs using the YM2149 synthesizer which is fitted to all 16/32 bit Ataris and most Atari clones.
The .snd fileformat is short for "SNDH" which is a unified header and calling method for all types of YM-chipmusic. It means that one single player can replay most synth tunes without having a dozen of different players and calling methods.
So what is this "YM2149 synth" ? Well it is that lovely little chip which is producing the "blipp" and "blopp" sounds in the Ataris. However, the Atari chipmusicans have always tried to push the chip further, beyond it's possibilities. Today, twenty years after the ST was released, new techniques to make nicer sounds from the ST are still arriving, much thanks to the effors of Frank Seemann (Tao/Cream), Frank Lautenbach (Dark Angel/Aura), gwEm and Damo.